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企 业 名 单
|序 号| 企 业 名 称 |主要产品商标 | 商品种类 | 联系电话 |
| | | | |010- |
|1 |中国石化长城润滑油集团有限公司 | 长城 | 润滑油 | |
| | | | |62913781-2319|
|2 |中国北京全聚德集团有限公司 | 全聚德 |餐馆、烤鸭 |010-63178578 |
|3 |北京市三露厂 | 大宝 | 化妆品 |010-67147574 |
|4 |北京星伟体育用品有限公司 | 星 | 台球桌 |010-69242900 |
|5 |北京红星酿酒集团公司 | 红星 | 酒 |010-65941304 |
|6 |天津灯塔涂料股份有限公司 | 灯塔 | 油漆 |022-26341583 |
|7 |天津蓝天集团有限责任公司 |蓝天、六必治 | 牙膏 |022-24218186 |
|8 |中法合营王朝葡萄酒有限公司 | 王朝 | 酒 |022-26991490 |
|9 |天津东亚毛纺厂集团有限公司 | 抵羊 | 毛线 |022-27831208 |

|10 |天津大桥集团有限公司 | 大桥 | 电焊条 |022-23971637 |
|11 |河北旭日集团有限责任公司 | 旭日升 | 饮料 |0318-8613210 |
|12 |露露集团有限责任公司 | 露露 | 杏仁露 |0314-2069492 |
|13 |河北衡水老白干酿酒集团有限公司 | 老桥、衡水 | 酒 |0318-2025386 |
|14 |石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司 | 三鹿 | 奶粉 |0311-8615353 |
|15 |山西杏花村汾酒厂股份有限公司 | 杏花村 | 酒 |0358-7220988 |
|16 |山西南风化工集团股份有限公司 | 奇强 | 洗衣粉 |0359-2017441 |
| | | |聚醋酸乙烯酯 | |
|17 |山西三维集团股份有限公司 | 三维 | |0357-6663128 |
| | | | (白乳胶) | |
|18 |内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司 | 伊利 | 冷饮 |0471-3901605 |

|序 号| 企 业 名 称 |主要产品商标 | 商品种类 | 联系电话 |
|19 |内蒙古宁城集团公司 | 宁城 | 酒 |0476-4800269 |
|20 |蒙古王酒业有限公司 | 图形商标 | 酒 |0475-8234163 |
|21 |大连瑞泽有限公司 | 大地 | 农药 |0411-7692218 |
|22 |沈阳红梅企业集团有限责任公司 | 红梅 | 味精 |024-25821235 |
|23 |大连冷冻机股份有限公司 | 冰山 | 制冷设备 |0411-6653081 |
|24 |本溪经济开发区野山力饮料有限公司| 野山力 | 饮料 |0414-5852968 |
|25 |中国石化大连石油化工公司 | 七星 |润滑油、石腊 |0411-6671371 |
|26 |延吉卷烟厂 | 长白参 | 卷烟 |0433-2816679 |
| | | | |0435-3516212-|
|27 |通化葡萄酒股份有限公司 | 通化 | 葡萄酒 | |
| | | | |206 |
|28 |大兴安岭北奇神保健品有限公司 | 北奇神 | 茶 |0456-2167868 |
|29 |齐齐哈尔四友化工实业有限公司 | 鹤神 | 农药 |0452-2114381 |
|30 |黑龙江省龙江大豆食品总公司 | 晨星岛 | 豆粉 |0454-8581462 |

|31 |上海三枪(集团)有限公司 | 三枪 | 内衣 |021-63842444 |
| | | | |021-64700249-|
|32 |上海白猫(集团)有限公司 | 白猫 | 洗衣粉 | |
| | | | |227 |
| | | | |021-52800054-|
|33 |上海牙膏厂有限公司 | 中华 | 牙膏 | |
| | | | |3025 |
|34 |上海烟草(集团)公司 | 中华 | 卷烟 |021-65418740 |
|35 |上海家化有限公司 |美加净、六神 | 化妆品 |021-65461742 |
|36 |金城集团有限公司 | 金城 | 摩托车 |025-4494034 |
|37 |常柴股份有限公司 | 常柴 | 柴油机 |0519-6603656 |
| | | | |0515-6213511-|
|38 |江苏森达集团公司 | 森达 | 鞋 | |
| | | | |2153 |
| | | | |0527-5433000-|
|39 |江苏洋河集团有限公司 | 洋河 | 酒 | |
| | | | |8316 |

|40 |南京华东电子集团公司 | 电工 | 日光灯 |025-5312321 |
| | | | |0511- |
|41 |江苏恒顺集团公司 | 金山 | 醋 | |
| | | | |5230222-3139 |
|42 |杭州娃哈哈集团公司 | 娃哈哈 | 饮料 |0571-6951545 |
|43 |杭州月兔灯饰有限公司 | 月兔 | 灯具 |0571-8985861 |
|44 |宁波雅戈尔服饰有限公司 | 雅戈尔 | 服装 |0574-7425652 |
|45 |中国绍兴黄酒集团公司 | 古越龙山 | 酒 |0575-5136055 |
| | | |低压电器、 | |
|46 |杭州鸿雁电器公司 | 鸿雁 | |0571-8860832 |
| | | |开关插座 | |
|47 |中国德力西集团公司 | 德力西 | 低压电器 |0577-2789038 |
|48 |杭州张小泉集团公司 | 张小泉 | 刀剪 |0571-8844788 |
|49 |宁波卷烟厂 | 大红鹰 | 卷烟 |0574-7713389 |
|50 |浙江帅康集团有限公司 | 帅康 |吸排油烟机 |0574-2441981 |
|51 |杉杉集团有限公司 | 杉杉 | 服装 |0574-6876845 |
| | | | |0551-5561657-|
|52 |安徽芳草日化股份有限公司 | 芳草 | 牙膏 | |
| | | | |2539 |
|53 |蚌埠卷烟厂 | 黄山 | 卷烟 |0552-4082448 |

|54 |安徽口子集团公司 | 口子 | 酒 |0561-6073526 |
|55 |安徽高炉酒厂 | 双轮池 | 酒 |0558-7479050 |
|56 |合肥丰乐种业股份有限公司 | 丰乐 | 种子 |0551-5570705 |
|57 |福建恒安集团有限公司 | 安尔乐 | 卫生巾 |0595-5708656 |
|58 |福建省轻工业品进出口集团公司 | 白鸽 | 拖鞋 |0591-7507849 |
|59 |福建南平南孚电池有限公司 | 南孚 | 电池 |0599-8730379 |
|60 |福建石狮市福林鞋业有限公司 | 富贵鸟 | 鞋 |0595-8789999 |
|61 |江西草珊瑚牙膏有限公司 | 草珊瑚 | 牙膏 |0791-8202212 |
|62 |江西漳树四特酒厂 | 四特 | 酒 |0795-7333932 |
|63 |江西乳品厂 | 英雄 | 奶粉 |0791-3805805 |
|64 |海尔集团公司 | 海尔 | 电器 |0532-8938009 |

|序 号| 企 业 名 称 |主要产品商标 | 商品种类 | 联系电话 |
|65 |颐中烟草集团有限公司 |哈德门、红锡包| 卷烟 |0532-3845000 |
|66 |青岛啤酒集团公司 | 青岛 | 啤酒 |0532-5713044 |
|67 |双星集团公司 | 双星 | 鞋 |0532-2684574 |
|68 |中国轻骑集团有限公司 | 轻骑 | 摩托车 |0531-8011847 |
| | | | |0539-8322568-|
|69 |山东兰陵企业(集团)总公司 | 兰陵 | 酒 | |
| | | | |3043 |
|70 |烟台张裕集团有限公司 | 张裕 | 葡萄酒 |0535-6658934 |
| | | | |0631-5206188-|
|71 |威海市金猴集团公司 | 金猴 | 鞋 | |
| | | | |3078 |
|72 |鹤壁市天元股份有限公司 |天元星、黛丝 |杀虫剂、洗发露 |0392-2653571 |
|73 |河南省南街村集团有限公司 |南街村、颖松 |方便面、锅巴、调味品|0395-8011188 |
|74 |河南省仰韶酒厂 | 仰韶 | 酒 |0398-4817413 |

| | | | |0394-4321866-|
|75 |河南省莲花味精企业集团有限公司 | 莲花 | 味精 | |
| | | | |6210 |
|76 |中国一拖集团有限公司 | 东方红 | 拖拉机 |0379-4973428 |
|77 |河南省郑州卷烟厂 | 黄金叶 | 卷烟 |0371-6230958 |
|78 |中国人民解放军第三五一五工厂 | 强人 |军警靴、鞋 |0395-2623904 |
|79 |河南省科迪食品集团股份有限公司 | 科迪 | 食品 |0370-4471048 |
|80 |洛阳北方易初摩托车有限公司 | 大阳 | 摩托车 |0379-4937611 |
|81 |湖南湘泉集团有限责任公司 |湘泉、酒鬼 | 酒 |0743-8221424 |
|82 |长沙卷烟厂 | 白沙 | 卷烟 |0731-5559168 |
|83 |旺旺集团(湖南)旺旺食品有限公司| 旺旺 | 食品 |0731-8063111 |
|84 |常德卷烟厂 | 芙蓉王 | 卷烟 |0736-7299969 |
|85 |株洲火炬火花塞股份有限公司 | 火炬 | 火花塞 |0733-8450498 |

|86 |黄石合成丰饮料有限公司 | 珍珠果 | 饮料 |0714-6528503 |
| | | | |0755-8226333-|
|87 |汕头市金味食品工业有限公司 | 金味 | 麦片 | |
| | | | |200 |
| | | | |0765-6656999-|
|88 |广东美的集团股份有限公司 | 美的 | 电饭煲 | |
| | | | |2493 |
|89 |广东爱得乐集团有限责任公司 | 爱得乐 |摩托车尾箱、头盔 |0765-5572222 |
|90 |广东奥迪玩具实业有限公司 | 奥迪双钻 | 玩具 |0754-5712278 |
| | | | |0775-5329888-|
|91 |广西黑五类食品集团公司 | 南方 | 芝麻糊 | |
| | | | |807 |
|92 |柳州两面针股份有限公司 | 两面针 | 牙膏 |0772-2513750 |
|93 |广西梧州奥奇集团股份有限公司 | 田七 | 牙膏 |0774-3827187 |
|94 |广西梧州新华电池集团股份有限公司| 新华 | 电池 |0774-3827109 |
|95 |北海超人燃器具实业公司 | 超人 |液化气灶具 |0379-3900435 |

|96 |椰树集团有限公司 | 椰树 | 椰子汁 |0898-6751970 |
|97 |海南椰岛股份有限公司 | 椰岛 | 鹿龟酒 |0898-6783194 |
| | | | |0898-6719966-|
|98 |海南新大洲摩托车股份有限公司 | 新大洲 | 摩托车 | |
| | | | |222 |
|99 |海南椰风实业有限公司 | 椰风 | 饮料 |0898-6769194 |
|100|四川宜宾五粮液集团有限公司 | 五粮液 | 酒 |0831-3552624 |
|101|四川泸州老窖股份有限公司 | 泸州 | 酒 |0830-2293459 |
|102|四川郎酒集团有限责任公司 | 郎 | 酒 |0830-7512155 |
|103|四川省绵竹剑南春酒厂 | 剑南春 | 酒 |0838-6205668 |
|104|成都彩虹电器集团股份有限公司 | 彩虹 |电热蚊香片 |028-5222967 |
|105|中国贵州茅台酒厂集团有限责任公司| 茅台 | 酒 |0852-2386051 |
|106|贵州黄果树烟草集团公司贵阳卷烟厂| 黄果树 | 卷烟 |0851-6857065 |

| | |红塔山、阿诗 | | |
|107|红塔烟草集团玉溪卷烟厂 | | 卷烟 |0877-2969523 |
| | |玛、红梅、玉溪| | |
| | |云烟、红山茶、| | |
|108|昆明卷烟厂 | | 卷烟 |0871-5815547 |
| | | 大重九 | | |
|109|云南省红河卷烟厂 | 红河 | 卷烟 |0873-6122744 |
|110|昆明天使食品总厂 | 天使 | 土豆片 |0871-4311085 |

|序 号| 企 业 名 称 |主要产品商标 | 商品种类 | 联系电话 |
|111|中国标准缝纫机集团有限公司 | 标准 | 缝纫机 |029-3911235 |
|112|陕西省西凤酒厂 | 西凤 | 酒 |0917-7421112 |
|113|甘肃武威酒业(集团)有限责任公司| 雷台 | 酒 |0935-2217465 |
|114|青海雪舟三绒集团 | 雪舟 | 牛绒衫 |0972-812230 |
| | | | |0971-322360- |
|115|青海青稞酒(集团)有限责任公司 | 互助 | 酒 | |
| | | | |9244 |
|116|宁夏玉泉葡萄酒厂 | 西夏王 | 葡萄酒 |0951-8450005 |
| | | | |0951-3066396-|
|117|银川咪咪洗涤用品有限责任公司 | 咪咪 | 洗洁用品 | |
| | | | |254 |
|118|新疆伊犁酿酒总厂 | 伊力 | 酒 |0999-5266105 |
|119|新疆石油管理局独山子石油化工总厂| 天山 |石油及化工产品 |0992-3871130 |

|120|中国嘉陵工业股份有限公司(集团)| 嘉陵 | 摩托车 |023-65192381 |
|121|重庆奥妮化妆品有限公司 | 奥妮 |洗洁用品 |023-48663862 |
|122|重庆牙膏厂 | 冷酸灵 | 牙膏 |023-67855508 |
|123|重庆市康尔寿保健品食品研究所 | 康尔寿 | 保健品 |023-68628051 |

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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Seventh National People's Congress on October 31, 1989, promulgated by
Order No. 20 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October
31, 1989 and effective as of the same date)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies, Processions and
Chapter III The Holding of Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations
Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
Pursuant to the Constitution, this Law is enacted to safeguard citizens'
exercise of their right to assembly, procession and demonstration
according to law and to maintain social stability and public order.
Article 2
This Law shall apply to assemblies, processions and demonstrations held
within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
The term "assembly" used in this Law means an activity in which people
gather at a public place in the open air to express views or aspirations.
The term "procession" used in this Law means an activity in which people
line up for a march along a public road or across a public place in the
open air to express their common aspirations.
The term "demonstration" used in this Law means an activity in which
people express their common aspirations, including demands, protests,
support or moral support, in the manner of an assembly, a procession, a
sit-in, etc., at a public place in the open air or along a public road.
This Law shall not apply to recreational or sports activities, normal
religious activities or traditional folk events.
Article 3
The citizens' exercise of their right to assembly, procession and
demonstration shall be safeguarded by the people's governments at all
levels in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 4
In exercising their right to assembly, procession and demonstration,
citizens must abide by the Constitution and the laws, shall not oppose the
cardinal principles specified in the Constitution and shall not impair
state, public or collective interests or the lawful freedoms and rights of
other citizens.
Article 5
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be held in a peaceful
manner; no weapons, controlled cutting tools or explosives shall be
carried, and no violence employed.
Article 6
The competent authorities governing assemblies, processions and
demonstrations shall be the municipal public security bureau, county
security bureau or municipal public security sub-bureau in the localities
where the assemblies, processions and demonstrations are held; if the
route of a procession or demonstration cuts through two or more districts
or counties, the competent authorities thereof shall be the public
security organ at the next higher level to the public security organs in
such districts or counties.

Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations
Article 7
For the holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration,
application must be made to and permission obtained from the competent
authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
It shall not be necessary to apply for the following activities:
(1) celebrations or commemorative activities held by the state or by state
decisions; and
(2) assemblies held by state organs, political parties, public
organizations, enterprises or institutions in accordance with law or the
relevant articles of association.
Article 8
There must be a person or persons responsible for the holding of an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration.
For the holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration for which
an application has to be made under this Law, the responsible person(s)
must submit an application in writing to the competent authorities five
days prior to the date of the activity. The application shall specify the
purposes of the assembly, procession or demonstration, how it is going to
be conducted, the posters and slogans to be used, the number of
participants, the number of vehicles, the specifications and quantities of
the sound facilities to be used, the starting and finishing time, the
places (including places where the participants assemble and disperse),
the route, and the name(s), occupation(s) and address(es) of the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration.
Article 9
After receiving an application for an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration, the competent authorities shall inform the responsible
person(s) in writing of their decision to grant or not to grant permission
two days prior to the date of the activity applied for. If no permission
is granted, the reasons thereof shall be given. Failure to serve notice
within the time limit shall be construed as the granting of permission.
If an assembly, a procession or a demonstration is truly necessitated by
unexpected occurrences, a report must be made immediately to the competent
authorities: upon receiving the report, the competent authorities shall
immediately examine it and decide to grant or not to grant permission.
Article 10
If an application is made for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
which will press for the settlement of specific issues, the competent
authorities may, after receiving the application, inform the departments
or units concerned to resolve such issues through consultation with the
person(s) responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration, and
may also postpone for five days the starting date specified in the
Article 11
If the competent authorities are of the opinion that the holding of an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration at the time or place or along
the route specified in the application will seriously affect traffic and
public order, they may, upon or after granting permission, change the
time, place or route and inform the responsible person(s) of the change in
good time.
Article 12
No permission shall be granted for an application for an assembly, a
procession or a demonstration which involves one of the following
(1) opposition to the cardinal principles specified in the Constitution;
(2) harming the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state;
(3) instigation of division among the nationalities; or
(4) the belief, based on sufficient evidence, that the holding of the
assembly, procession or demonstration that is being applied for will
directly endanger public security or seriously undermine public order.
Article 13
If the person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration does not accept the competent authorities' decision not to
grant permission, he may apply to the people's government at the same
level for reconsideration within three days of receiving the notice on the
decision, and the people's government shall make a decision within three
days of receiving the application for reconsideration.
Article 14
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
may withdraw his application after submitting it and before receiving a
notice of the competent authorities; if a decision is made to call off the
assembly, procession or demonstration after receipt of the competent
authorities' notice on the granting of permission, the responsible
person(s) concerned shall inform the competent authorities of the decision
in good time and dismiss the participants if they have assembled.
Article 15
No citizens shall, in a city other than his place of residence, start,
organize or participate in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration of
local citizens.
Article 16
No functionary of a state organ shall organize or participate in an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration which contravenes the functions
and obligations of functionaries of state organs as prescribed in relevant
laws and regulations.
Article 17
If anyone organizes or participates in an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration in the name of a state organ, a public organization, an
enterprise or an institution, he must first obtain approval from its

Chapter III The Holding of Assemblies, Processions and Demonstra- tions
Article 18
With respect to an assembly, a procession or a demonstration held in
compliance with law, the competent authorities shall dispatch the people's
police to keep traffic and public order and ensure the smooth progress of
the assembly, procession or demonstration.
Article 19
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration held in compliance with law
shall not be disturbed, broken into or disrupted by anybody by violence,
coercion or any other illegal means.
Article 20
In order to ensure the progress of a procession held in compliance with
law, the people's police responsible for keeping traffic order may
temporarily exercise flexibility in their execution of the relevant
provisions of traffic regulations.
Article 21
If it becomes impossible for a procession to follow the permitted route
because of unexpected circumstances occurring on the way, the chief police
officer present at the scene shall have the authority to change the route
of the procession.
Article 22
If an assembly, a procession or a demonstration is held in or passes by
places where state organs, military organs, radio stations, television
stations or foreign embassies or consulates are located, the competent
authorities may, with a view to keeping order, establish temporary
security lines, which shall not be crossed without permission by the
people's police.
Article 23
No assembly, procession or demonstration shall be held within a peripheral
distance of 10-300 metres from the following places, with the exception of
those approved by the State Council or the people's governments of
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government:
(1) premises of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,
the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's
Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
(2) places where state guests are staying;
(3) important military installations; and
(4) air harbours, railway stations and ports.
The specific peripheral distances from the places listed in the preceding
paragraph shall be defined by the people's governments of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Article 24
The time for holding an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be
limited to 6 a.m. - 10 p.m., with the exception of those held by decision
or approval of the local people's governments.
Article 25
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be conducted in
accordance with the purposes, manners, posters, slogans, starting and
finishing time, places, routes and other matters for which permission has
been granted.
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
must assume responsibility for maintaining the order thereof and strictly
guard against participation by others.
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
shall, when necessary, appoint special personnel to assist the people's
police in maintaining order. The personnel responsible for the
maintenance of order shall wear identification marks.
Article 26
The holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall not
contravene the regulations on public security administration and shall not
involve criminal activities or the instigation of crimes.
Article 27
The people's police shall stop an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration that is being held, if it involves one of the following
(1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of
this Law or to obtain permission for the application;
(2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters,
slogans, starting and finishing time, places and routes permitted by the
competent authorities; or (3) the emergence, in the course of the
activity, of a situation which endangers public security or seriously
undermines public order.
If any of the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph occurs
and the instruction to stop the activity is ignored, the chief officer of
the people's police present at the scene shall have the authority to order
a dismission; for those who refuse to dismiss, the chief police officer
present at the scene shall have the authority to decide, in accordance
with relevant state provisions, on the adoption of necessary measures to
force a dismission and to take away from the scene by force those who
refuse to obey or detain them at once.
If a participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration crosses
the temporary security lines established in accordance with the provisions
of Article 22 of this Law, enters a certain peripheral space around the
specific places where no assemblies, processions and demonstrations shall
be held as specified in Article 23 of this Law, or commits other illegal
or criminal acts, the people's police may take him away from the scene by
force or detain him at once.

Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Article 28
Those who commit acts in violation of public security administration in
the process of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be
punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on
Administrative Penalties for Public Security. The public security organ
may punish by warning or by criminal detention of not more than 15 days
the responsible person(s) and the person(s) who is directly responsible,
if an assembly, a procession or a demonstration that is being held
involves one of the following circumstances:
(1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of
this Law or to obtain permission for the application; or
(2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters,
slogans, starting and finishing time, places, and routes permitted by the
competent authorities, and disregard of instructions to stop acting
without permission.
Article 29
Any participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration who
commits a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
Any participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration who
carries weapons, controlled cutting tools or explosives shall be
investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the
provisions of Article 163 of the Criminal Law. In a case where no
application has been made for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
in accordance with the provisions of this Law or no permission has been
granted for the application or where it is conducted not in accordance
with the starting and finishing time, places and routes permitted by the
competent authorities, while the order of dismission is disobeyed and
public order seriously undermined, the person(s) responsible for the
assembly, procession or demonstration and the person(s) who is directly
responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the Criminal Law.
In a case where an assembly, a procession or a demonstration leads to the
siege of a state organ or people breaking into it, preventing it from
conducting its business or state activities normally, the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration and the
person(s) who is directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal
responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the
Criminal Law.
In a case where an assembly, a procession or a demonstration leads to the
occupation of public places, the interception of vehicles or pedestrians
or the gathering of crowds to block traffic, so that order at public
places and traffic order are seriously undermined, the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration and the
person(s) who is directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal
responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 159 of the
Criminal Law.
Article 30
Those who disturb, break into or undermine by other means an assembly, a
procession or a demonstration held in compliance with law may be punished
by the public security organ by warning or by criminal detention of not
more than 15 days; if the circumstances are serious and a crime is
constituted, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
Article 31
If a party refuses to accept the decision on punishment by detention made
in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 28 or
Article 30 of this Law, he may appeal to the public security organ at the
next higher level within five days of receiving the notice on the decision
on punishment; the public security organ at the next higher level shall
make a decision within five days of receiving the appeal; if the party
refuses to accept the decision of the public security organ at the next
higher level, he may institute proceedings in the people's court within
five days of receiving the notice on the decision.
Article 32
Anyone who, in the course of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration,
damages public or private property or causes injuries or deaths to others
shall be liable for compensation according to law, apart from being
punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law or
the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 33
If a citizen, in a city other than his place of residence, starts or
organizes an assembly, a procession or a demonstration by local citizens,
the public security organ shall have the authority to detain him or send
him back by force to his place of residence.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Article 34
This Law shall apply to assemblies, processions and demonstrations held by
foreigners within the territory of China.
Foreigners in the territory of China may not, without approval by the
competent authorities, participate in an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration held by Chinese citizens.
Article 35
The public security department under the State Council may, in accordance
with this Law, formulate rules of implementation, which shall go into
effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government may, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for
Article 36
This Law shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.





第一章 总 则

第一条 为进一步完善建筑市场管理体系,规范建筑市场主体行为,保证工程质量,降低工程风险,防止拖欠工程款,保障从事工程建设活动各方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国担保法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》等相关法律、法规的规定,结合我省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 在本省行政区域内实行建设工程担保,实施对建设工程担保监督管理,应当遵守本办法。



第三条 在建设工程项目中推行工程担保制度。下列建设工程,应当实行工程担保:





第四条 担保包括保证、抵押、质押、留置、定金五种形式,当事人可以自行选择担保的方式。建设工程担保提倡采用保证担保方式。

第五条 担保活动应当遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。

第六条 省人民政府建设行政主管部门负责全省建设工程担保活动的监督指导和推行工作。


第七条 实行工程担保的项目,其保函或保证书等担保文书是承发包合同文件的组成部分。


第二章 发包人担保

第一节 业主责任担保

第八条 业主责任担保,是指政府授予建设项目业主实施项目建设所必须的各种许可证时,项目业主应提交以政府为受益人,以因业主未能依法履行其责任而使合法权利蒙受损害的第三方为索赔权利人所出具的许可担保。

第九条 建设项目的建设实施活动应依法开展,并采取必要措施保证参与项目的所有劳动者的劳动收入得到如期支付和生命财产安全,否则,受益人和保函项下列明的索赔权利人都有权请求保证人就业主因未能履行其业主责任而带来的损失给予赔偿。

第十条 提供业主责任保证担保的保证人应是专业保证人。


第二节 业主支付担保

第十一条 业主支付担保是业主(发包人)向承包人或供应商提交的工程款支付担保,保证业主(发包人)按照合同约定及时向承包人或供应商支付其依合同应得的工程款。业主支付担保应采用保证方式。

第十二条 业主支付担保应在承包人或供应商向业主(发包人)提交履约担保的同时提交。

第十三条 招标文件或者合同的有关条款规定承包人或供应商提供履约担保时,应当同时规定发包人向承包人或供应商提交工程款支付担保。


第十四条 实行业主工程款支付保证担保的,业主工程款支付保证担保可以是由合法保证人开具有条件的和不可撤销的保函的方式,具体条件应在招标文件或合同条款中约定。


第十五条 业主(发包人)未能提交业主工程款支付担保或提交的工程款支付担保不符合合同(招标文件)约定的,承包人有权拒绝向其提交履约担保并由该业主(发包人)承担相应的违约责任。

第十六条 本办法第三条规定的应当实行工程担保的工程,业主在签订工程合同时未向承包商提交业主支付担保的,视作建设资金未落实。

第十七条 业主(发包人)未按合同约定支付承包人或供应商按照合同应得的工程款时,承包人或供应商可要求保证人在保额内承担保证责任。当业主(发包人)拖欠承包人或供应商的工程款总额超过业主支付保函的额度时,承包人或供应商可根据合同约定暂停工程施工或终止承包(供货)合同,要求业主(发包人)支付其按照合同应得的任何款项,退还其履约保函,并按合同约定赔偿承包人或供应商由此造成的经济损失。

第三章 承包人担保

第一节 投标担保

第十八条 投标担保是在投标截止前或者在投标截止的同时由投标人向招标人提供的保证投标人按照招标文件的规定,履行投标人的义务的担保。

第十九条 招标人要求投标人提交投标担保的,应当在招标文件中载明。投标人应当按照招标文件的要求提交投标担保。投标人未提交投标担保或提交的投标担保不符合招标文件要求的,其投标文件无效。

第二十条 投标担保可以是由专业保证人出具的投标保函,也可以是投标保证金,包括支票、银行汇票等。任何单位和个人不得干涉投标人按照招标文件自主选择投标担保方式。

第二十一条 投标担保的金额不超过投标总价2%,每份招标文件规定的投标保证金或保函的额度最高不得超过人民币80万元。勘察设计招标不得超过10万元。

第二十二条 投标担保的有效期应当在合同中约定。合同约定的有效期截止时间为投标有效期后的1个月至6个月。





第二十三条 中标人在按照招标文件约定提交履约保函后,招标人应即返还该中标人的投标保证金或投标保函。

第二十四条 招标人与中标人签订合同后5个工作日内,应当向中标人和未中标的投标人退还投标保证金和投标保函。

第二节 履约担保

第二十五条 履约担保是承包人在签订合同时,根据合同(招标文件)约定向发包人提交的担保,保证其按照约定全面和实际地履行其合同责任和义务。实行经评审的最低投标价法的工程应实行履约担保。

第二十六条 履约担保的方式可采用银行保函、专业保证人的保证。具体方式由招标人在招标文件中做出规定或者在建设工程合同中约定。

第二十七条 承包人应在签订合同时向发包人提交履约担保。履约担保包括高保额和低保额两种模式,发包人需在招标文件中明确采用何种模式。

第二十八条 高保额模式履约担保是指履约担保的担保金额达到合同金额的15-50%,保证人承担的赔付责任完全基于承包人违约的事实,并以因违约给发包人带来的损失为限,担保期限至工程竣工验收后28日。


第二十九条 低保额模式履约担保是指履约担保的担保金额为合同金额的10-15%,或为合同价与标底价之间的差额,两者之中取金额大者,担保期限至竣工验收后28日。

第三十条 因承包人违约带来的违约责任超过担保余额的,发包人在获得担保赔付外,不足部分可继续向承包人索赔,使其承担违约责任。

第三十一条 本办法对履约担保的上述规定也同样适用于供应商与发包人签订材料或设备供应合同的担保。

第三节 付款担保

第三十二条 付款担保是指由承包人提交给发包人的担保,保证承包人得到发包人的支付后,将按照其与分包商和供应商签订的合同及时支付合同款,以及支付与该承包人有直接劳动关系的劳动者参加其所承包的建设工程项目所应得的报酬。付款担保的担保可以采用银行保函、专业保证人的保证,担保金额为发包人已向承包人支付的合同款项的100%。

第三十三条 付款担保的担保期限须与履约担保相同。

第三十四条 付款担保的索赔权利人包括:





第四节 预付款担保

第三十五条 预付款担保是指发包人在支付给承包人或供应商合同约定的预付款时,由承包人或供应商向发包人提交的担保,保证其按照合同约定正确和合理地为合同目的使用预付款以及按合同约定配合发包人全额扣回所预付的金额,不将预付款挪作他用。

第三十六条 采用低保额模式的,预付款担保的担保金额与预付款金额相等。采用高保额模式的,预付款担保的担保金额为预付款金额与履约担保金额的差额。担保金额随尚未使用于合同工作的预付款余额的减少而减少。

第三十七条 预付款担保应当在发包人支付预付款前向发包人提交。

第三十八条 预付款保函的有效期最长不超过承包人或供应商全额扣回发包人预付款后28日。

第三十九条 承包人或供应商应当按照招标文件或合同的规定提供预付款担保。对未提交预付款担保或提交的预付款担保不符合规定的承包人或供应商,发包人有权拒绝向该承包人或供应商支付预付款并由该承包人或供应商承担相应的违约责任。

第四十条 发包人有足够的证据证明承包人或供应商未能正确和合理地为合同目的使用预付款时,发包人有权收回未扣回的预付款余额,承包人或供应商拒绝按发包人要求返还预付款余额时,发包人有权要求保证人在保额内承担保证责任,赔偿预付款余额。

第四章 对专业保证人的监督管理

第四十一条 专业保证人在本省行政区域从事工程担保业务,应当到省建设行政主管部门进行备案。省建设行政主管部门将定期公布备案情况,被保证人应当选用已备案的专业保证人。

第四十二条 非金融机构保证人在本省行政区域从事工程担保业务的,应当按本章规定到省建设行政主管部门进行备案,并在限额内开展业务。

第四十三条 保证人承保的单笔担保金额不得超过保证人净资产的50%,其承保的总担保金额不超过保证人净资产的10倍。不符合该条件的,可以与其他保证人共同提供担保。

第四十四条 保证人的子公司从事担保业务的,应当独立在省建设行政主管部门进行备案。同时母公司对子公司所拥有的资产应在母公司的资产中扣除。

第四十五条 非金融机构保证人应当是《中华人民共和国担保法》所规定的合法担保主体,并依法取得工商行政主管部门核发的营业执照。

第四十六条 非金融机构的专业保证人,应在每年首月的15日前,将上一年度完成的担保工作情况以及业务工作总结报省建设行政主管部门备案。

第四十七条 建设工程担保代理人从事代理业务应在省建设行政主管部门备案。


第五章 附 则

第四十八条 本办法所列用语的含义:













第四十九条 项目业主为提交业主责任担保所支付的保费应计入工程建设成本。承包人或供应商为合同担保所支付的保费应计入工程造价。

第五十条 同一金融机构分支机构或专业保证人不得为同一工程提供业主工程款支付担保和承包商履约担保。

第五十一条 工程建设过程中的勘察、设计、监理、材料设备采购及工程分包实行担保的,适用本办法。

第五十二条 工程担保文件、担保合同等示范文本,由省建设行政主管部门另行制定。

第五十三条 本办法自二○○四年十二月一日起施行。